Mechanical Design

Desmo 3D Studio : Mechanical Design Solution for Better Products

 In an increasingly competitive industry, Desmo 3D helps companies produce better and more efficient products at a lower cost. This service includes planning, development, material selection, and all other technical aspects involved in the production of a product.


Why Choose Desmo 3D?

With its experience and expertise, Desmo 3D can help companies meet certain quality standards and ensure that the products produced meet good technical requirements.

And what you will get is:

Innovative and efficient design concepts

 Innovative and efficient mechanical design solutions to improve your product quality and reduce production costs.


Good product development process

You often need good mechanical design solutions in developing new products, so you can market them to the public.


Accurate analysis and simulation

You need mechanical design solutions that can perform accurate analysis and simulation, to minimize risks and ensure that the products produced work well.


Applicable file formats for machining

 You will receive design files with formats that are ready to be put into industrial machines, such as CNC machines, 3D printing, and other automation machines. 3D file formats include step, iges, stl, parasolid, and many other options. Equipped with 2D drawings for inspection processes or operator guides for manual production processes.


Good product render quality

Good product render quality can help you market your product. For product presentations or on your website to attract potential customers and enhance your brand. It can also help differentiate your product from competitors and increase customer confidence in your product.





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