Product Design Service

Want to create high-quality and innovative products? Desmo 3D Studio is ready to help! With our experience and latest technology in product design, we are confident that we can assist you in creating efficient and high-quality products that meet your desired standards. Contact us now to get the best physical product design services!

 Our services include:

Concept Design

Detail Design


We can assist you in starting from scratch to create a product concept that suits your needs. We will design a functional, ergonomic, and aesthetic concept and apply design to manufacture (DFM) to make your production process more efficient


Once the product concept is approved, we will detail your product design with quality details to reduce errors in sample/prototype production and reduce errors in production.


We understand that prototyping is an important step in product development. We use 3D printing to help you see a physical model of your product design, so you can test the function and performance before mass production.


Reverse Engineering

Good Visuals and Presentations

Production Completion

We know that every product needs to be improved over time. We will work with you to make the desired changes, so your product is always up-to-date.


Optimal product rendering quality can make your product look more attractive and professional, thereby attracting potential customers and building a positive brand image.


We will assist you in completing the production by providing 3D and 2D output files that are ready to use in the industry. We will also provide recommendations for vendors or factories to produce your product


Products we can work on include:

 Electronics and hardware, Vehicles, Household products, Medical equipment, Security products, , Sports and recreation products, Toys and hobbies, Industrial equipment.

our services